Throughout history and across cultures, we have often heard the phrase, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. The idea of what constitutes beauty can vary from one person to another. But there are some basic characteristics that people agree on when it comes to defining what is beautiful.
Confidence and self-love
A beautiful woman is confident in her own skin and doesn’t need the approval of others to feel good about herself. This makes her more attractive because it evokes a feeling of security, which is what everyone wants from their partner, right?
A woman with a lot of passion is a beautiful thing to look at. A woman who gets excited about life, who holds things close to her heart and who believes that she is worthy of happiness and success. It’s contagious and the most exciting thing about a girl who is passionate is that she can inspire others to live their best life.
It’s not about the size of her body, or the color of her hair, or the way she dresses, or how pretty she is on the outside – it’s all about the inside. Ashley Pennewill of A Clean Mind Coaching & Counseling says that the real beauty is found in the soul, which is where the truest version of beauty lies.
She also states that the most beautiful thing you can do for yourself is to stop caring about what other people think and start living your life with confidence. This allows you to be your true self and be your own best friend, which will make you more beautiful in every way.
The power of purpose
Alan Moore points out that the most successful companies will have a strong sense of purpose across all departments, and not just design. For Moore, this is a crucial aspect of business: he says that this kind of culture encourages creativity, effective decision-making and leadership and overall better well-being among employees.
He cites Patagonia as an example of this approach, which has been shown to attract creative talent and to increase workplace engagement. In addition, he argues that it’s important to create a positive, collaborative environment for the team to work in.
This has been seen to create more trust and less tension in the team, which can lead to deeper engagement with the tasks at hand and a greater sense of ownership over the final product. It’s also been seen to increase productivity and morale, which is a key part of building a sustainable business.